The status of the 4MLinux 29.0 series has been changed to STABLE. Edit your documents with LibreOffice and GNOME Office (AbiWord 3.0.2, GIMP 2.10.10, Gnumeric 1.12.44), share your files using DropBox 73.4.118, surf the Internet with Firefox 66.0.5 and Chromium 74.0.3729.108, send emails via Thunderbird 60.7.0, enjoy your music collection with Audacious 3.10.1, watch your favorite videos with VLC 3.0.6 and mpv 0.29.1, play games powered by Mesa 18.3.1 and Wine 4.7. You can also setup the 4MLinux LAMP Server (Linux 4.19.41, Apache 2.4.39, MariaDB 10.3.14, PHP 5.6.40 and PHP 7.3.5). Perl 5.28.1, Python 2.7.15, and Python 3.7.1 are also available.
As always, the new major release has some new features: Audacious available out of the box, a new desktop sub-menu called “Office” (with AbiWord, Gnumeric, LazPaint), spellcheck functionality added to Sylpheed and HexChat, improved LibreOffice installation script, better support for MINIX file system (via util-linux and GParted), much improved 3D acceleration in Quake2. And finally, the 4MServer now includes PHP 7.3 with NaCl cryptography support.
As always, the new major release has some new features: Audacious available out of the box, a new desktop sub-menu called “Office” (with AbiWord, Gnumeric, LazPaint), spellcheck functionality added to Sylpheed and HexChat, improved LibreOffice installation script, better support for MINIX file system (via util-linux and GParted), much improved 3D acceleration in Quake2. And finally, the 4MServer now includes PHP 7.3 with NaCl cryptography support.
List of packages:
Most wanted: "Hands on 4MServer for dummies". Hope dies last.