
Saturday, September 1, 2018

4MLinux 26.0 STABLE released.

 4MLinux 26.0

The status of the 4MLinux 26.0 series has been changed to STABLE. Edit your documents with LibreOffice and GNOME Office (AbiWord 3.0.2, GIMP 2.10.6, Gnumeric 1.12.43), share your files using DropBox 55.4.171, surf the Internet with Firefox 61.0.2 and Chromium 68.0.3440.75, stay in touch with your friends via Thunderbird 52.9.1 and Skype for Web, enjoy your music collection with Audacious 3.10, watch your favorite videos with VLC 3.0.3 and mpv 0.28.2, play games powered by Mesa 17.3.7 and Wine 3.14. You can also setup the 4MLinux LAMP Server (Linux 4.14.64, Apache 2.4.34, MariaDB 10.3.9, PHP 5.6.37 and PHP 7.2.9). Perl 5.26.1, Python 2.7.14, and Python 3.6.4 are also available.

4MLinux 26.0 comes with some new features: Tcl/Tk (with a collection of small games) has been integrated into 4MLinux, Engrampa (archive manager) is finally able to open Debian packages, Git in 4MLinux has now both GUI and cgit web interface, Beaver (with syntax highlighting) has been added for easier editing of scripts and C/C++ code, TiMidity++ now uses the Tcl/Tk interface while AbiWord has migrated from GTK2 to GTK3, Expect has been added to the 4MLinux Server to facilitate task automation, Xorriso (with its GUI) is now available as a downloadable extension, Vala and Rust have been added to the set of 4MLinux development packages. And finally the biggest change: full support for modern image and video encoding. ImageMagick and GIMP are now able to handle WebP, HEIF and BPG images. You can use Hyper Video Converter for: VP8/VP9/AVC/HEVC encoding, creating video for web, extracting audio tracks, and many other tasks (see the 4MLinux Forum for more details).

List of packages: 

Download links:


  1. Made a virtual box image to a .vdi hard drive and gave it a root password. When i log into the installed virtual box it loads to asking for login. What is the login and password for 4MServer 64 26.0? Thanks!

  2. I want to put this along the side of Windows 10 with UEFI boot. Can I do this? I tried many ways and followed early instructions from the blog and when installing, it doesn't see my esp/boot partition with fat32 therefore says look for "mount --help" in terminal. Please help everyone with this problem. Thank you!

    1. Describe your problem here:

  3. Excelente sistema.
    Cómo puedo instalar o compilar inkscape en la versión 26.1?
